Multi-companies solution designing in Business Central

Some of you might have struggled against Business Central companies architecture. For exemple you can need to build a page showing aggregation of table across all companies, or create a process that will run on Company A and then post something in Company B. The C/AL and AL code allow us to use “CHANGECOMPANY” on […]

Http web request SSL validation

You may need to communicate with external web service in Nav, such as API for Ecommerce, Logistic tracking or whatever. To do that, you can inspire from codeunit 1297 for Rest API and codeunit 1290 for Soap API. I find out that Http Web request component from Microsoft .Net do not allow any communications with […]

Consume Nav WebService CodeUnit with Php

You can find plenty information over internet to consume nav web service but lot of them need modification for working in your case. I provide you a Php code to consume Nav Codeunit by SOAP Webservice tested and working. Nav part : – Create a codeunit with public method you want to be accessible. – […]