You may need to communicate with external web service in Nav, such as API for Ecommerce, Logistic tracking or whatever. To do that, you can inspire from codeunit 1297 for Rest API and codeunit 1290 for Soap API. I find out that Http Web request component from Microsoft .Net do not allow any communications with […]
Tag Archives: Nav
Fast Nav URL encoder C/AL
If you need to send URL through external component such as web API or control Add-in, you may have to encode the text for ascii to ansii purpose (like replacing space by %20 and so on). Gunnar post a code unit for that here but it’s not working with latest version of Nav, I’ve correct […]
Consume Nav WebService CodeUnit with Php
You can find plenty information over internet to consume nav web service but lot of them need modification for working in your case. I provide you a Php code to consume Nav Codeunit by SOAP Webservice tested and working. Nav part : – Create a codeunit with public method you want to be accessible. – […]
Powershell Visual App to manage Nav bases
As you probably know, Powershell is a very usefull tool to manage Nav bases and automate administrative tasks. If you don’t hear about Waldo’s Powershell module, you need to visit the following link. He create a lot of usefull functions to enlarge the Microsoft panel of Powershell cmdlet For my company we have to regulary […]