Today I found two problems in the function”Change Global Dimensions” (available on “General Ledger Setup” Page) who let an general update of all table containing field about those global dimensions. Roberto Steffaneti wrote a how to use here. Very simple. Though there is two major problem with this function in NAV 2018 Microsoft code describe […]
Author Archive: Maxime Caty
Using FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) in Business Central
I’ve made a .Net lib to access FTP over SSL/TLS functions from Nav/Business Central on Premise. It’s bases on limilabs Ftp.dll. This one is accepting all security certificate including self-signed. Do not confuse with SFTP that is FTP encapsulated in SSH. Download it here : FTPS-For-Nav-2 Visual studio C# source project here FTPS-For-Nav-SOURCE Install thoses two […]
Nav Objects Versionning Manager
This simple page allow you to manage massively Nav objets modified,date,time and version. Helpful to rset object modified and follow new modification to deliver. Original object made by Christian Gilles download link above Page 77000 Versionning Object Managment (6,02Ko)
Microsoft Nav 2018 CRM connector date conversion bug
If you’re using the Nav to Microsoft CRM connetor you can have a date transmission error with message about DMY2Date paramter out of range. I found out a function used in codeunit 5302 Outlook Synch. Type Conv called “TextToDate” handling conversion in MM/DD/AAAA format. The connector send to this function a FORMAT(Variant) so it can […]
Microsoft “Query with ID 1850 could not be found” bug
In Nav 2017 and 2018 you can be faced to this error “Object of type Query with ID 1850 could not be found” in several case, most common and user-blocking is when opening a released purchase order or purchase invoice : This is caused by the standard extension installed in the base provide by Microsoft […]
Customize Dynamics 365 CRM connector for Nav
In this post we will see how to modify and add custom table to Nav connector for Dynamics 365 CRM (also working with Ms Dynamics CRM 2016). Since Nav 2017 Microsoft decide to integrate a CRM connection system directly in Nav. With this system all data integrations are managed Nav side for both “Nav to […]
Microsoft plan to deprecated C/AL planned in two years
Big changes are comming, Microsoft Business Central Roadmap was updated after Direction NA event. Get ready for the end of C/AL planned in two years. This will mark the begining of a new approch of work, investing on more timeproof developments reducing long term technical debt for Business Central customers who need specific modifications (aka […]
Publish designed page from sandbox to Business Central
If you already played with the “design” page functionnality in Business Central, you probably hurt to the struggle “how to design page in Business Central as in the sandbox environnement”. As far as I know this functionnalty is only available in our sandbox environment. When you finish your page modifications, an extension is generated : […]
Install Business Central OnPremise Sandbox in three simple steps
Do you know Docker and why it’s a powerfull software ? This software allow you to encapsulate overall heavy application in parallel OS (there is a very small latency but overall performance is same as your PC because it’s not running virtualized like VMWare does but truely in parralal than the host OS). This is […]
International Core model migration audit for Business Central
Some Micrsoft Dynamics end users/companies start wondering about the future for their ERP when they heard talking about Business Central and cloud services incompatibiliy with C/AL. Specially when they invested huge amount of money in tuning their ERP. Extension technology is a great thing for Dynamics future and have plenty of long term benefits. But […]